Hearing Aids: Controlling Background Noise
The inability to hear well is often frustrating, particularly for people that enjoy having great conversations and interacting with others. Most times, getting a hearing aid is a relief, especially…
The inability to hear well is often frustrating, particularly for people that enjoy having great conversations and interacting with others. Most times, getting a hearing aid is a relief, especially…
Just like any other electronic device, technology has caught up with hearing aids too. In the past, grandmas and grandpas wore analog hearing aids. These were short of amplifying devices…
When people are looking for hearing aids, one of the major questions they ask is what brand is the best. There are lots of brands in the market today, tens…
Ear plugs and ear muffs are easily the only two options when it comes to noise protection. Whether you need them at work or when working in your shed or…
The issue of insurance cover and hearing aids is a complicated one. There is no simple answer and you’re probably going to have to look around a little bit before…
When it comes to hearing loss and the prospect of wearing hearing aids, a hearing test is the judge and jury. A hearing test allows you and your audiologist to…
Hearing aids may seem like a big deal before one acquires them. And in a way, they are. After all, you’re going to be wearing them for the foreseeable future….
Hearing aids are powered by batteries similar to what you’d find in watches. Over time, therefore, when the batteries have run out of steam, you will need to change them…
Hearing loss affects all types of people, young and old, rich and poor, men and women, etc. It should, therefore, be no surprise that there are some famous people out…
Harmful decibels are the silent, and most harmful, cause of hearing loss in the US and worldwide. Sounds louder than 85 decibels can cause permanent hearing damage if the exposure…