Hearing loss is usually associated with old age. However, it can occur at any age because of failure to properly clean and maintain the ears, as well as abuse. There are two main types of hearing loss, conductive and sensorineural. Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss and cannot be corrected. However, cochlear implants and hearing aids can help. Often, conductive hearing loss can be corrected.
Here are some useful tips to help you improve your hearing naturally
Protect your ears
Noise is the biggest cause of hearing loss, especially among the young. The main sources of daily noise are heavy traffic, loud music through earphones, noisy restaurants, concerts, and sporting events. To protect your ears keep the volume of your electronic gadgets low. This includes the radio, TV, Smartphone, and other electronic devices.
It is also important to control your exposure to noisy environments such as fitness classes, concerts, sports events, and other areas with loud music or deafening crowd noise. When you have to attend noisy events like concerts, wear high-fidelity earplugs which filter noise and let you hear the music.
Use better earphones
Using improper earphones could be causing you harm. For example, if your earphones don’t cancel noise, you have to increase the volume to compensate. Listening to music through your earphones in a volume level that is above 50 percent is risky. Get headsets or earphones that wrap around the ears because they fit better and filter the sounds around you.
Properly clean your ears
At times, hearing loss simply occurs because of a buildup of wax in the ears. Remove the wax by putting a few drops of olive oil or hydrogen peroxide in your ears for a few nights. This will soften the wax and get it to come out easily. Avoid using a cotton swab because it may lead to further damage. If you have a serious wax problem, it is advisable to see a doctor about wax prevention and cleaning techniques.
Beware of medical side-effects
Some types of medication may cause hearing loss. If you are on medication, pay close attention to the side-effects because a hearing loss could be one of them. If you think that your medication is the culprit, see your doctor about finding alternatives.
Get an ear check up
Ear infections can cause a temporal hearing loss. If your hearing loss is accompanied by some pain, it is advisable to see your doctor because taking medication, such as antibiotics, may provide a quick and simple solution for you.
Improve your diet
Reduce your intake of salt, refined carbohydrates, and animal fats. Salt causes fluid retention in your ears which can lead to hearing loss. Fatty foods affect blood circulation to your organs including the ears. Consume more seeds, whole grains, nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, because they improve your health and your hearing.
It is important to protect your hearing by properly cleaning and maintain your ears, avoiding noisy environments, and eating healthy. If you have severe hearing loss, there are medical treatments that can help you. Talk your doctor to find out about the options available.
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